9 Ways to Cool Down Your Home This Summer

1. Swap bulbs If you still haven’t switched to CFL’s (Compact Fluorescent Light)  for environmental or economic reasons, do it to be cool. Incandescent bulbs waste about 90 percent of their energy through the heat they emit. 2. Keep a cool head Try...

Painting Your Home to Sell

A fresh coat of paint in the right color may help sell a home for more money. Homes with rooms painted in shades of light blue or pale blue/gray can sell for as much as $5,400 more than expected, according to a new Zillow report. Zillow’s 2017 Paint Color Analysis...

Five Tips For First Time Millennial Home Buyers

Student loan debt, lack of a down payment and even remembering the “financial carnage” of the last economic downturn, are all reasons millennials do not consider buying a home and turn to renting. Even though it’s been cheaper to buy a home than to rent since about...

Fall home maintenance projects

Clean and Reverse Fans- Your ceiling fans have been hard at work all summer so they may have gathered more dust than you realize. Turn your fans off, and clean the sides, tops and bottoms of the blades. Reverse your fans so the blades send air upward to disrupt the...